May 26, 2011


Shall we continue our discourse? By my reckoning, it has been some time... school and employment being tedious interference. I think we should.

August 6, 2009

Facebook is Lame

This article explains that the more our parents get on social networking sites, the more our generation logs off. This years has seen, for the first time, a decline in the 15-24 user age group.
money quote:
The sites, once the virtual streetcorners, pubs and clubs for millions of 15- to 24-year-olds, have now been over-run by 25- to 34-year-olds whose presence is driving their younger peers away.

You're Gonna Have to Serve Somebody

Indeed. Honestly, there is nothing terribly wrong with getting a job. Its very much not--as it were--something I would, myself, do. But hey! Serving one's *snicker* community is quite the noble endeavor. Also: a motherfucking paycheck.

A few clerical notes:
  • Spoken with our "to be" authorial edition. He plans to get off his ass and contribute quite soon.
  • I've made some changes to this here blog page. You can now follow us via blogger or--if you can handle technology that I cannot--via RSS feed using the link down at the bottom.
  • I should think that we need some interesting banner art of some kind at the top of the page. For suggestions, post a comment or two after this post.
  • I am still trying to add a stat checker and establish a proper blog e-mail address. Thank you in advance for your patience. Also, any advice is more then welcome. Send it our way, but not via e-mail because we haven't done that yet (see previous sentence).
Ok. I will try and post later today about my thoughts your fearless authors attempting a regular update schedule now that we both have rather irksome tasks and weighty responsibilities fast approaching. That is, if I get around to it. OK for now.

the sun will sit in his jealous sky

PS- I am playing with different templates. I like this one, for the reason's obvious to our dear authors

August 4, 2009

And So Dies Bohemia...

What a little oddity… for the past year or so, your humble author has led a most bohemian and aristocratic existence. And now, he must submit once more to the dread world of employment. If examined properly, that is to say, examined in modern contexts, it has been simply a gap year following similar sorts of drifting through embarrassments and humiliations that are inevitably associated with collegiate studies. So on to bigger, better humiliations in some narrow office or some crowded department of the civil service!
Not that employment never has been sought out or held… to the contrary, this superfluous ghost of former persons and times has been employed from the tender age of eleven, though any sort of compensation was never seen until the legally appropriate age of fourteen. And of the numerous other superfluous men in modern contexts, the author has seen much more of a variety and less so of banality in the work place.
Thus it is left to question what purpose the past few years’ existential angst and other trivialities of decadent life have served? Ultimately, very little could be established as concrete and positive, other than to live out the nonsense that I attempted to make real – and some were realised, others not. Thus I slowly begin down the long road to normalisation and begrudgingly forget what it means and meant to be a former person.
However, some things will not be undone, nor could they ever. Beatings will continue until morale (or morality) improves!

Yours jokingly,

Former Former Person

July 27, 2009

This is what I lack

Above you will find a picture of my recent trip to various national parks (the one concerned is, indeed, Grand Teton. There is something about being away from a place like that and it eats at me. Its nothing fierce and I can't say that I would rather be there instead of here now because that would be a lie. Rather, its a simple gnawing. Difficult to describe.

Preparations for the rather large move out east begin this weekend. I finish my work in the midwest then and I'll fly home to pack, prepare, make extended animal sacrifices, play craps (which they have just legalized in CO), drink, and so on and so forth. I need to be in Philadelphia on the 15th, so I am thinking that leaving on August 10th should give me plenty of time on the road. I have plans to stop in Lexington, KY for a spell and catch up with some good people.

Lastly, I want to make note of the possibility of a new author joining us. He has recently left his homeland to come east and should be quite a welcome addition. I' sure he will introduce himself when the time presents itself.

he himself has said it and its greatly to his credit

July 21, 2009

Future Considerations

A return form exile is never easy. There are many ducks, as it were, one must line up. The first of which I have gloriously fucked up by purchasing two of the same casebooks by mistake. Now I am an extra $128 in the hole and hoping against hope that might regularly invoke the term "mercy" from their vast and commercial vernacular.

Being in the wilderness gives you calm. I have just returned from a weeks worth of backpacking/canoeing in the GRand Teton/Yellowstone National Park sector. You forget how nice it is to be outside, away from the various distractions modernity continues to provide. Also, you forget how fucking terrible instant coffee is. I will post pictures as soon as I am able.

Some thoughts moving forward: If this is to be more than a pure masturbatory exercise, then we ought consider expanding our reader base to whomever might stomach us. It is not a matter of understanding, as we ourselves claim absolutely none, but rather an attempt to scream against something more than simply darkness. Presently, our typeset diaherria drips into the river only to be whisked away. Tell me that you'd rather not have a vial of it for your very own, perhaps to be stored on shelves along with collectable NASACR and Bald Eagle plates?

OK for now...

it comes down to reality and thats fine with me cus I let it slide

July 4, 2009

Familial Honour and Weighty Etc...

I have discussed previously, and at that in brief, on my opinions of the current state of a "political" family... but my confederate has brought to mind a more important aspect of it all... the personal. It is difficult for me to fathom family, though I descend from a few notable, though superfluous and over-looked house-holds. I might think to cling to family history as I was deprived of any notions of a solidly family home at a very early age, so any conceptions of blood and kin exist for me merely on a few randomly collected scraps of paper and even fewer photographs. But I maintain that how ever little or how ever much there may exist, they are still fundamentally important to and for one's existence in this miserable world.
As to the weighty responsibilities mentioned below, yes there may be some. But family is the easiest thing with which to deal, as one is automatically part of one - usually. Whilst our Order's admonition carries with it significant personal implications, it is important to bear in mind that one's perceptions of family will never be the same as an other family member's... and further, in this sham of a nation, the constitution and the laws of the various states make it nearly impossible to inherit familial honours or legacy, as in this place a man is required to be his own. What utter stupidity - a supposedly Christian nation that does not embrace the legacies and traditions of the family (unless one would pay copiously for such comforts). All at the same time, this country encourages its chattel citizens to work hard for their families so that the subsequent generation might be more comfortable! And thus we arrive at what truly are irksome tasks and weighty responsibilities... the divide between loyalty to one's blood and the loyalty to one's secular State.

Internally exiled,
